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Boston Othotic and Prosthetics

Boston Band Wear & Care

To achieve the best possible results for your child, it is important to follow these instructions. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your orthotist.

Boston Band Wear and Care Guide

Videos on the Boston Band

Wearing Schedule

Children adapt easily to helmets. After a short break-in period, your child will wear the Boston Band for 23 hours a day. A break-in period is necessary to ensure that the Boston Band is fitting well and to give your child a chance to adapt. This will take approximately three days. Break-in periods may be different depending on the child.

To begin your break-in period, your child should wear the Boston Band for one hour. After the hour, remove the band for 30 minutes and check the skin. Repeat this process, increasing wear time by one hour each time. By day four you should be at full time wear, which is 23 hours a day. With full time wear the Boston Band should be removed twice a day, morning and evening. Ideally, the band should not be removed for more than one hour a day.

Please follow the schedule below:

  • Day 1: 1 hour one, 30 minutes off, 2 hours on, 30 minutes off, 3 hours on, 30 minutes off, helmet off to sleep
  • Day 2: 4 hours on, 30 minutes off, 5 hours on, 30 minutes off, helmet optional to sleep
  • Day 3: 30 minutes off, 6 hours on, 30 minutes off, 6 hours on, 30 minutes off, helmet on to sleep
  • Day 4: AM helmet check, helmet on all day, PM helmet check, helmet on to sleep

Cleaning Your Child's Head

You should clean your child’s head once a day while using the Boston Band. If you begin to notice excessive dryness of your child’s skin, please discuss this with your orthotist.

Do not change shampoos prior to beginning treatment with the Boston Band. You may use any mild baby shampoo to which your child does not have an allergy.

To avoid skin irritation, make sure that all shampoo is fully rinsed from your child’s hair. Your child’s hair should be fully dry before placing the helmet back on.

Cleaning Your Child's Boston Band

The Boston Band should be cleaned every day to help prevent any unpleasant odors or discoloration that may occur due to a buildup of sweat or skin cells. Some discoloration is normal over time and should not be a cause for concern.

We recommend gently wiping the inside of the helmet using a clean, soft terry cloth with mild soap and water. Repeat with just the cloth and water to ensure any soap residue is removed. The Boston Band should be allowed to air dry, do not use a hair dryer or other heat source.

At least once a week, the Boston Band should be disinfected by gently wiping the inside with 70% rubbing alcohol using a soft, clean terry cloth. Allow the 70% rubbing alcohol to evaporate. Repeat wiping with a clean cloth and water. Allow to air dry before placing the helmet back on your baby’s head.

Checking Your Child's Skin

Skin checks should be done each time the Boston Band is removed. Irritation or pink spots along the cheeks and the back of the neck are very common.

This irritation usually improves as the child’s skin adapts to the Boston Band.

Any irritation or redness should go away within 30 minutes. If any redness does not go away by the end of the 30 minute break, leave the Boston Band off until the redness goes away.

If redness does not go away or skin breakdown occurs, stop wearing the Boston Band and immediately contact your orthotist to schedule an appointment.

It is important to always wear the Boston Band at least 20 minutes prior to your appointment. This will help your orthotist to evaluate the fit of the helmet and to see any red spots that you may have noticed.


There are a few times when it is important to remove the Boston Band:

  • When redness does not go away after 30 minutes
  • When the child has an unexpected fever
  • If any kind of surgery is performed
  • At bath time
  • After swimming, wash your child’s head with shampoo to remove chlorine, sunscreen, etc. Reapply the Boston Band when both your child’s hair and the helmet are dry
  • As needed during physical therapy

Still have questions about the Boston Band? Join the Boston Band + Plagiocephaly Support Group on Facebook, which is monitored by Boston O&P clinicians.